Food – Both the Salvation and Bane of Life

One of the most enjoyable things we think about and look forward to every day is food.
If you think about it, food is probably the number one thing we think about.
And this makes sense because food is necessary and it gives us pleasure by stimulating the pleasure centers in the brain, thus we seek it out.
However, food, while an unequivocal necessity for life can also be “the bane of one’s life” as well. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
As it turns out, after 100,000 years of human existence, we finally have the knowledge and the means, in the past few decades, to produce and consume the most optimal, healthful diet known to science. Yet we remain mired down by a multitude of unsubstantiated cognitive dissonance beliefs, and continue to consume foods that undermine our health, in spite of the evidence-based data to the contrary
Health and food science is very clear.
diet plays a major contributing role in the causation of the top 15 plus diseases that lead to disability and premature death.
It is now unquestionably clear that diet, more specifically a plant-based diet, is the only diet proven to effectively prevent, treat, and reverse the number one cause of death in the industrialized world; Heart Disease.
Given that fact alone, shouldn’t that diet, by default, be the number one diet and health management tool recommended by our health care/management experts?
As a matter of fact, a plant-based diet has also been proven effective in preventing, treating, and even reversing not only heart disease but also multiple other leading causes of premature death and disability.
These diseases would include: as previously mentioned, coronary heart disease, as well as the following; lung cancer, COPD, asthma, Alzheimer’s, stroke, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, infections, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, liver disease, blood cancers, kidney disease, breast cancer, suicidal depression, prostate cancer, and Parkinson’s disease.
A plant-based diet also reduces the need for doctors, which by the way are the third leading cause of death in America.
What do the longest living people eat?
Check out this link
No hype, no sell, just free, valid information. I’m only trying to sell you on healthier lifestyle. The only cost is letting go of the unhealthy lifestyle and your excuses for not making healthy choices.
Check out this totally nonprofit resource to get real evidence based answers to a healthy dietary lifestyle.